Devlog 5 - Deplete

Some cards like to attack, others like to defend. Some like to be flashing, others are more subdued. These newly revealed cards?? They prefer to be dumped [into the trash]. 

Minions of the aspect Tub decided at one point or another to forgo their worldly possessions—and sometimes their physical bodies—to become enlightened, or something like that. They like to deplete others and they like to be depleted. Jarling is one of those minions; it boosts the power of a friendly minion whenever it is depleted. 

Jarling pairs nicely with Vent, another Tier 1 card, which depletes a minion at no cost and also buffs two other minions. When combined with Jarling, that's +6/+4 stats in total. A pretty good deal for (1) Mana and two cards!

[Moral] Ignorance is bliss! We love a bestie who slays [the haters]!

Lastly, we have a curious new relic, Phasing Jar: anytime a card would be depleted, it is discarded instead. Is this an upside or a downside? I'm still trying to figure that out myself...

The rest of the deplete themed cards and relics will be left for you to discover when the full game releases! We're still shooting to release later this year and are hoping to release another demo sometime before then. Dates will be posted as soon as they're known!

Until next time~

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